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Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, We are having a dispute in our office about how to handle security control selection for a “non-National Security System” (non-NSS). We know DoD has mandated that System Categorization and Security Control Selection shall be done “in accordance with CNSSI 1253”. However, the CNSSI 1253 security control…
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CMMC – What We Know and What We Don’t

By Kathryn Daily, CISSP, CAP, RDRP So by now, I’m sure you’ve seen a ton of articles on the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) initiative. A lot of information has been released but there are still a lot of unknowns. What We Know We know that it’s mandatory for all…
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Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, RMF IA-4 Identification Management control is not easy.  It has so many rabbit holes.  I am not sure how to tackle this control.  Could you please simplify this control for me.  Let's say for IA-4 Identifier Management, the information system is a web application/web server.  For the…
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Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, I can tell you I am definitely new to eMass. However, I have registered several packages and brought over artifacts. I have blindly (using the job aid) assigned controls, exported the spreadsheet and reimported. Haven't been able to produce the RAR or POAM.  With that being said,…
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Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, I was wondering if you could guide me to the official "source" for all SOP's required for RMF. I have copies of SOP's I have done for another group but these were built off templates we were given from our ISSM at the time. I have combed…
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