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Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, RMF IA-4 Identification Management control is not easy.  It has so many rabbit holes.  I am not sure how to tackle this control.  Could you please simplify this control for me.  Let’s say for IA-4 Identifier Management, the information system is a web application/web server.  For the…

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Post Categories: Dr. RMFRisk Management Framework Tags:

Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, First of all, just stumbled across this blog few days ago….awesome! There is piles of documentation but not enough community sourced help for the RMF process. I tried starting an RMF sub-reddit but it never took off! I have so many questions! But one in particular that…

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Post Categories: Dr. RMFRisk Management Framework Tags:

Ask Dr. RMF

Dear Dr. RMF, Government IT Security staff work with systems owners to make sure that all systems in the agency have implemented the proper Risk Management Framework (RMF) controls. Organizations have deployed technologies like eMASS, XACTA, and RSA to manage the workflow and documentation for the RMF for their systems….

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Post Categories: Dr. RMFFEDRampRisk Management Framework Tags:

The Results Are In!

A Quantitative Study on the Receipt of Formalized RMF Training and Perceptions of RMF Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Commitment in RMF Practitioners.    By P. Devon Schall, Ph.D., CISSP, RDRP   Over the past year, I have conducted research on the relationship between the receipt of formalized RMF training and perceptions…

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Post Categories: Risk Management Framework Tags: