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Registered DoD RMF Practitioner (RDRP)

Registered DoD RMF Practitioner (RDRP) 

By Lon J. Berman, CISSP, RDRP

BAI Information Security is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of a new program called Registered DoD RMF Practitioner (RDRP) – a network of security professionals specializing in supporting RMF in DoD programs. The requirements to join RDRP are very minimal:

Step 1: Attend 4 days or more of RMF for DoD IT training.

Step 2: Complete the 50 question “RMF for DoD IT Competency Test” with a passing score of 70%.

Step 3: Remit the initial credentialing fee (No cost if you’ve completed BAI’s RMF 4-day training program within the past 12 months).

Your next question may be, why would I want to join the RDRP registry? We feel that being part of the RDRP registry not only adds value to your resume, but it also shows employers and government officials that you have a comprehensive understanding of RMF as it is implemented within DoD.

Another dynamic of RDRP that is worth thinking about is how it relates to The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Workforce Framework

(NCWF), which is currently in an early draft. The mission of NCWF is to enhance the overall cybersecurity posture of the United States by accelerating the availability of educational and training resources designed to improve the cyber behavior, skills, and knowledge. A major part of NCWF is to define the cybersecurity workforce and identify the training and professional development required by mapping cybersecurity skills to seven cybersecurity categories. These categories are: Securely Provision (SP), Operate and Maintain (OM), Oversee and Govern (OV), Protect and Defend

(PR), Analyze (AN), Collect and Operate (CO), and Investigate (IN). BAI’s courses and RDRP map directly to the family Securely Provision (SP) which includes the specialty area of Risk Management (RM) mapping to a variety of in demand work roles. Over 20 agencies and federal departments worked in partnership to develop NCWF, and I imagine, it will play a more significant role in career development and qualification once a final draft is issued.

For additional information on RDRP, keep an eye on BAI’s website and follow the BAI LinkedIn page for announcements.  For more on The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Workforce Framework

(NCWF), review Draft NIST Special Publication 800-181 or join the NICE Working Group (NICEWG) hosted by NIST.

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